Interested in Keeping The Shoals Beautiful? Help Guard Our Water!

The Shoals is home to beautiful waterways that support wildlife, recreation, and our community’s well-being. We can help maintain our water quality by taking care of our watershed - the area of land where all the water drains into the Tennessee River. Everything is connected - what happens on land eventually reaches our water! By focusing on smaller, local watersheds that feed into the river, we can stop litter and pollution at the source.

Want to see how your neighborhood connects to our waterways? Explore our interactive watershed map below to learn about your local watershed, find volunteer opportunities, and discover ways to help maintain our rivers and streams!

Select an area on the map to identify its watershed, named after the main stream that flows through it. Red pins are upcoming events you can join! See a watershed that needs some love? Reach out to us to plan an event!


We promote sustainability through active recycling efforts and educational programming.

Keep The Shoals Beautiful (KTSB) will empower and engage citizens, businesses and officials in The Shoals area to take action, ownership and responsibility for protecting and enhancing their environment.


Take Action

Ready to take the next step? You can become a contributor to our cause, or participate yourself. Sign up for upcoming events through KTSB.


Part of a group?

Register your own event using KTSB supplies and cleanup materials. Find information on borrowing and reporting.