St. Florian Cleanup
8:00 AM08:00

St. Florian Cleanup

Attention St. Florian Community!! The Town has teamed up with Florence Solid Waste, Street & Recyling and they are having a road clean up day April 12th starting at 8 AM. Keep the Shoals Beautiful will be providing the supplies.

We are excited to get people together and do what we can to clean up our roads!

Limited t-shirts will be available for this event.

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Shoals Earth Day Fest
11:00 AM11:00

Shoals Earth Day Fest

The 14th annual Shoals Earth Day Fest 2025 will be from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. May 3 at the 400 block of Montgomery Avenue in historic downtown Sheffield. The festival includes live music, drumming, earth-friendly displays, children's activities and more. Steve Trash will perform 12-3:30 p.m. at Montgomery Place, 406 N. Montgomery Ave., Sheffield. Event is free. Rain location to be determined.

Can’t wait to see you there!

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Ford City Cleanup Day
9:00 AM09:00

Ford City Cleanup Day

Join us in Ford City for a Cleanup!

Let’s Keep the Shoals Beautiful by cleaning up litter along the road and near frequented parking areas! We will be meeting in front of Ace Hardware in Ford City, AL. We will start in the parking lot, head south down County Line Rd, turn left on Mt. Pleasant Rd, and end at the Presbyterian Church. The cleanup will be Saturday, March 22nd from 9AM to 12PM.

We’ll provide all the supplies—you just bring your enthusiasm! Gather your friends, family, or coworkers and help us keep our community clean and beautiful.

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Florence Citywide Cleanup
8:00 AM08:00

Florence Citywide Cleanup

Sign up now to the City of Florence on March 15 at 8AM and clean up our City! We will have biscuits and coffee and will provide gloves, vests, grabbers, and bags! Click the link below to sign up. Walk-ups are always appreciated and welcomed! Meet us at the Florence-Lauderdale Coliseum. Hope to see you there!

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9th Annual Tennessee River Litter Tournament
8:00 AM08:00

9th Annual Tennessee River Litter Tournament

  • Mcfarland Park & Riverfront Park (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

NOV 2, 2024



8AM – 11AM

Join Keep The Shoals Beautiful for the 9th Annual Tennessee River Litter Tournament Saturday, November 2nd. Fish for litter in the water, on the shorelines at Riverfront or McFarland Park, or anywhere that matters to you in the Shoals!

  • $500 Grand prize to the group with the most volunteers

  • $100 MVP Award for most litter collected (1 winner at each site)

  • $100 Constellium recyclers award (1winner at each site)

Enter 13-gallon trash bags of litter to compete for cash prizes solo or with your organization! Get ready to put on your free t-shirt and keep the Shoals beautiful!

We will begin at 8 AM, (check-in beginning at 7:30), and finish up around 10:30 AM. Lunch will be provided for all volunteers after the event. Starting locations include McFarland Park (200 James M Spain Dr.) in Florence and Riverfront Park (1316 Alabama Ave.) in Sheffield. We encourage you to pick up along the river or anywhere in the Shoals that you feel could use some love!

Please register using this link:

Keep the TN River Beautiful will be joining us by bringing their boat with a 15 volunteer limit. To join this cleanup on the KTNRB boat, please sign up on their website:

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Tri-State Gambler 500 Cleanup
to Oct 20

Tri-State Gambler 500 Cleanup

Join the Tri-State Gambler 500 this fall to remove trash and clean off-road trail systems within the Lauderdale Wildlife Management Area in Alabama and other part of Tennessee and Mississippi. Lauderdale County and Keep the Shoals Beautiful will be partnering and supporting this event. There are 40 trash sites identified for the cleanup with the Sons of Smokey app. This is a weekend long event and time of the event is not accurate above.

If you are interested in attending, please email Shane for more information and how to get involved at!

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Tuscumbia Landing Cleanup
8:00 AM08:00

Tuscumbia Landing Cleanup

Join The Shoals Backyard and Keep the Shoals Beautiful for a summer cleanup beautifying one of our community’s historical landmarks, Tuscumbia Landing! Meet us at the beginning of the walking trail at 8 AM and we will give you the tools and supplies you need to pickup litter. The City of Sheffield and Muscle Shoals National Heritage Area will also be collaborating for this special event. Please contact us if you have any questions and we will see you there!

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W. C. Handy Festival Event - Jazz It Up with Your Trash!
to Jul 25

W. C. Handy Festival Event - Jazz It Up with Your Trash!

  • Florence, AL, 35630 USA (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

In harmony with a nature litter-free event, join us at your local public library to make some music! Microwave Dave will start an impromptu band with you as an invited guest musician. Bring your own recyclable plastic bottle, plastic can, shoebox, or coffee can to create some musical instruments. These events are free and for ages 3 and over. We cannot wait to see you there!

Schedule is as follows:

Friday, July 19th @ 10 AM - Sheffield Public Library, 316 N. Montgomery Ave., Sheffield, AL.

Monday, July 22nd @ 10 AM - Florence-Lauderdale Public Library, 350 N. Wood Ave, Florence, AL.

Tuesday, July 23rd @ 10:30 AM - Rogersville Public Library, 74 Bank St., Rogersville, AL.

Wednesday, July 24th @ 11 AM to 1 PM - Helen Keller Library, 511 North Main St., Tuscumbia, AL.

Thursday, July 25th @ 10:30 AM - Muscle Shoals Public Library, 1918 Avalon Ave., Muscle Shoals, AL.

For more information, please see the festival’s website:

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Pride at Cypress Creek
8:00 AM08:00

Pride at Cypress Creek

Join us with your kayak Saturday June 15th at Cypress Creek for an adventurous cleanup on the water! Meet us at the launch any time between 8 AM and 12 PM with your paddle equipment and we will give you any cleanup supplies you need. The takeout is at Wildwood Park and we will provide a shuttle back to the launch if needed. Click the link below for more information and to register so we know you are coming. We cannot wait for you to join us!

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NWSCC Don't Drop it on Alabama Spring Cleanup
3:00 PM15:00

NWSCC Don't Drop it on Alabama Spring Cleanup

  • Northwest Shoals Community College (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Get ready for the “Don’t Drop it on Alabama” Spring Cleanup hosted by Northwest Shoals Community College. This is an annual statewide program organized by the Alabama People Against A Littered State (AL PALS) that serves to enhance our state’s environment and stop littering. All cleanup supplies will be provided.

The event will be held on April 26th. More details on the time and place to meet are coming soon.

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Shoals Litter Sweep
2:00 PM14:00

Shoals Litter Sweep

Join us at Shoals Litter Sweep, a citywide cleanup hosted by Muscle Shoals High School Science Club and SADD Club. The City of Muscle Shoals and Keep The Shoals Beautiful will also be collaborating for this special event. Come and make our community cleaner and greener to celebrate Earth Day this year!

Meet at the Muscle Shoals High School at 2 pm to get your supplies. Contact Lori Roberts at (256) 389-2682, ext. 1842 if you have any questions.

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Tennessee River Litter Tournament
8:00 AM08:00

Tennessee River Litter Tournament

  • Mcfarland Park & Riverfront Park (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

SEPT 16, 2023



8AM – 11AM

Click Here To Register Now!

Join Keep The Shoals Beautiful for the 8th Annual Tennessee River Litter Tournament Saturday, September 16th! Fish for litter in the water, on the shorelines at Riverfront or McFarland Park, or anywhere that matters to you in the Shoals!

  • $500 Grand prize to the group with the most volunteers

  • $100 MVP Award for most litter collected (1 winner at each site)

  • $100 Constellium recyclers award (1winner at each site)

Enter 13-gallon trash bags of litter to compete for cash prizes solo or with your organization! Get ready to put on your free t-shirt and keep the Shoals beautiful!

We will begin at 8 AM, (check-in beginning at 7:30), and finish up around 10:30 AM. Lunch will be provided for all volunteers after the event. Starting locations include McFarland Park (200 James M Spain Dr.) in Florence and Riverfront Park (1316 Alabama Ave.) in Sheffield. We encourage you to pick up along the river or anywhere in the Shoals that you feel could use some love!

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Cypress Creek Kayak Cleanup (TVA)
9:00 AM09:00

Cypress Creek Kayak Cleanup (TVA)

We know for sure: litter never ends! Help us eradicate it by grabbing your kayak and cleaning up Cypress Creek. On Saturday, June 10th, meet us at the Cox Creek launch any time between 9 am-12 pm for contactless pickup of cleaning supplies. Put in your kayak or canoe and float for litter through the afternoon. Meet us on the other end at Wildwood Park for litter and supply collection and let us know how much you collected.

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6th Annual Tennessee River Litter Tournament
8:00 AM08:00

6th Annual Tennessee River Litter Tournament

  • Shoals Chamber of Commerce (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join Keep The Shoals Beautiful for the 6th Annual Tennessee River Litter Tournament Saturday, September 25th! Fish for litter in the water or on the shoreline, and enter 13-gallon trash bags of litter to compete for multiple cash prizes. Get ready to put on your free t-shirt and keep the Shoals beautiful!

Sign up on Eventbrite.

We will begin at 8 AM, (check-in beginning at 7:30), and finish up around 12 PM. Lunch will be provided for all volunteers after the event. Pickup sites include McFarland Park (200 James M Spain Dr.) in Florence and Riverfront Park (1316 Alabama Ave.) in Sheffield.

There are three ways to clean: comb the banks of the river on foot; paddle by checking out a kayak from the Muscle Shoals National Heritage Area at McFarland Park or by bringing your own boat; or, hop on board the shuttle boat provided by Keep the Tennessee River Beautiful at McFarland Park!

Register on Eventbrite to rent either a single or tandem kayak with the Muscle Shoals National Heritage Area, free of charge . If registering for a tandem kayak, please be sure to bring a friend or family member to kayak with you, as the boats are too large to maneuver alone. Kayak reservations are limited. If you register for a kayak and will be unable to attend, please cancel your registration at least 48 hours in advance so someone else may sign up! All kayakers must know how to swim and minors must be accompanied by an adult. For more information on free kayaking events, follow @muscleshoalsnha on Facebook and Instagram.

To reserve a spot on Keep The Tennessee River Beautiful's boat, sign up here.

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Wildwood Park Cleanup
9:00 AM09:00

Wildwood Park Cleanup

Come join the Muscle Shoals National Heritage Area and Rec & Trek, UNA’s outdoor adventure club, as they clean up the trails of Wildwood Park, Waterloo Road, and Wildwood Park Road on Saturday, September 4th from 9-11AM! Our trails are stewarded heavily by volunteers like you. Enjoy part of your morning outdoors with us, invite family and friends, and get connected while giving back to your community! Water and cleanup supplies will be provided. They will meet at the main Wildwood Park parking lot.

Register here.

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Shoals RiverTown Cleanup at Rockpile Recreation Area
10:00 AM10:00

Shoals RiverTown Cleanup at Rockpile Recreation Area

Come join Keep The Shoals Beautiful, the Muscle Shoals National Heritage Area, and the Shoals RiverTown's Leadership Committee for our first RiverTown stewardship event! Learn about the Tennessee RiverLine and help clean up one of our favorite river access points! 

Register for the event here.

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Cypress Creek Kayak Cleanup (with Alabama Outdoors)
9:00 AM09:00

Cypress Creek Kayak Cleanup (with Alabama Outdoors)

Know somebody having a ~trashy~ Memorial Day celebration? That next Saturday, help us clean it up! On June 6, meet us at Wildwood Park for cleanup supplies and snacks at 8 am. From there, we'll head to a Cox Creek drop off location where you can put in your kayak and sail for litter! (While we are working to secure some kayaks, bringing your own is most encouraged). After the event, Alabama Outdoors will award door prizes to some lucky participants.

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